Wage Garnishment
It's Payday. You Check Your Bank Account And Most Of Your Paycheck Is Missing
Your Paycheck Is Fair Game For The IRS
So it is payday and you check your bank account to make sure that your paycheck has been properly deposited. A feeling of fear and dread come over your when you see that the bulk of your paycheck you depend on is missing. Your wages have been garnished. Although you may be feeling fear and dread, this should not come as a surprise as the IRS will use this tool when a taxpayer has been ignoring their notices for way too long.
So now what? First thing to do is to contact the Connecticut Tax Resolution Service and set up a free consultation. We will go over the options available to you to put a stop to the garnishment. If you do not, the wage garnishment will continue until the tax bill is fully paid.
There Are A Number Of Ways To Place A Hold On A Garnishment
- The simplest way, but maybe not the most preferred way is to immediately pay the tax owed. What if you cannot afford to do this?
- One solution may be an offer in compromise. This will put a hold on a wage garnishment. This solution is not available to everyone and can only be used in specific situations. Not everyone can easily obtain the “pennies on the dollar” answer they may be hoping for, but at the Connecticut Tax Resolution Service our analysis will tell us if you are a potential candidate for an OIC. If the request is denied, there are still 30 days for us to come up with another solution.
- Another solution is to set up an Installment Agreement. The act of setting up the agreement will put a hold on the garnishment as well, even while the Installment Agreement is pending.
- If your finances are such that your expenses exceed your income based on IRS standards month after month, a Currently Not Collectible option may be for you.
- Or what if they IRS did not follow their own protocol? There are certain letters and notices the IRS is required to send to warn you of your of the upcoming garnishment. The Connecticut Tax Resolution Service will do a thorough analysis to confirm that these notices were sent, and if not, we will fight to have the garnishment waived.
Stop The Bleeding As Soon As Possible
So you see, there are a number of ways to fight a wage garnishment, but you shouldn’t do it alone. Set up a free consultation with us to get the garnishment put on hold.
The Options The Connecticut Tax Resolution Service Has To Resolve Your Case
There are a number of options the IRS provides to resolve tax issues. Not all options are available to all taxpayers. A financial analysis must be performed to decide which option best suits your unique situation. To see the options potentially available to resolve your problem, click here.In This Section:
Schedule a Free 30 Minute Consultation
Take the first step towards peace of mind and set up a half hour consultation now. Doing nothing is the worst choice you can make.